
Who Knows...

The message from this past Sunday about our need to "be heard" and "be known." 

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Celebrating the Savior in 2020 and beyond

Like so many others, I too have found solace in watching worship services and listening to sermons online.  One of the churches I have watched the most is St. Andrews Anglican Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, which is known as a Bible-believing and evangelical congregation based in a beautiful gothic cathedral, built in the grand Medieval style.

This is the opening hymn from their Christmas Eve service, and I have to say, it actually moved me to tears.  During the last verse (which I've not heard before, though we sing this hymn every year), there is a shot of a tiny little boy - he looks about 4 - who seems to be so focused and working his absolute hardest to do his little part help bring this musical message of the Gospel out to the world.  
That is even more beautiful than the cathedral.  May we all, young or old, follow suite in our own callings.

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Chaos at the Capitol and the Baptism of Christ

 Here is my sermon for last Sunday, (in part) a reflection on the state of our country after the riots and storming of the US Capitol that took place on the Feast of the Epiphany.

As I say in the sermon, our country will only have healing and reconciliation if leaders from all sides bend over backwards to extend olive branches to "the other side", even when it means setting some of their own partisan ambitions aside.  Our country, as some international observers have said, looks like a powder keg.  Drastic measures should be taken to "de-escalate" things right now.  

Sadly, I think the moves to impeach a president who only has 2 weeks left in office is exactly the wrong move.  It serves no real purpose besides revenge, which only and always begets more revenge.  And, ironically, it ensures that Trump's name will always live in the history books, which I am sure will please him.

It seems to me that Biden and the Democrats had a unique moment last week to rise to the occasion and put the country above politics in a way that Trump was (in my view) not doing.  And they blew it by reverting to the usual Washington DC power-grabbing and political maneuvering.  As if it is all they can see.  I truly do fear for the future of this country.

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Sermons of Advent and Christmas

 IN a sermons series that was loosely intended as a commentary on the Nicene Creed (which my congregations always use during Advent), I examined classic mistakes or heresies of the ancient church that are, in different ways, still with us.

As always, the best way to follow my videos is to go on YouTube and subscribe to my channel and hit the "notification" button (if you have the option) to get email updates.  I try to post 2 videos a week.

I've already posted one of these sermons in a previous post.  Here is the rest of the series:






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