
Ravi Zacharias on John Wesley

Some of you may have heard just a couple weeks ago that the great evangelical Christian teacher Ravi Zacharias passed away.  Zacharias was a world-renowned and brilliant apologist and defender of the Christian faith.  He made it his life's mission to demonstrate to the world that the Christian faith was true.  Here is a video of Zacharias talking about one of my patron saints, John Wesley.

Thanks be to God for the work and ministry of both of these truly great men.

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Psalms Study Video #1

I've got a 12-part video Bible Study series looking at the Book of Psalms now available on YouTube.  I'll also be releasing those videos here.

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Sunday's Message

OK everyone, I have mostly shifted my content to my YouTube Channel, which is just called "Daniel Hixon."
I will be sharing those videos on this blog as well.

Here is the Sunday message from yesterday.  You can see other videos HERE.

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