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You mean Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Why would that gem teach you to keep expectations low?
Whitley Strieber, in describing his own experiences of being abducted and probed and whatnot by space aliens back in the 80s, speaks of how we can repress memories or even have them replaced with "screen memories" to shield our psyche from the trauma of the actual encounter.
No doubt something quite similar has happened to you. You see, you had an encounter quite unexpectedly with screen aliens (with crystal skulls!), the memories of which you have now repressed, owing no doubt to their deeply traumatizing nature. I know this because I too was there; I too know the pain of that dark dark night.
Note in case you were wondering: Yes, I actually did read Strieber's books about Aliens in my teenage years. I cannot comment as to the veracity of his experiences or his psychological theories, beyond saying "take everything you read by him with a grain of salt...or several grains"
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