
America's Next Top Pastor

As someone who has spent some time in contemporary Evangelicalism and college ministry, I find this HIGHLY hilarious.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where on earth did you find that? It was great. -bethany

2:08 AM, August 04, 2007  
Blogger Josh said...

UnionWell, this isn't directly related to the post(but somehow it is).

It's great when you find others who are on the same journey as you. I too was raised a Methodist. However, I went wild as a teenie and was born again in a Southern Baptist Church in my early twenties. I also have a streak of charismaticity in me, not really from church experience but simply reading Scripture and obeying Jesus. I also began heavily reading the church fathers and longed for more than the generic evangelical church was offering. After I was laid off and given a severance package with a full scholarship ride(its all a miraculous story but too long for post) I returned to college seeking a BA in biblical languages. I landed at a SBC university in Jackson,Tenn and also at a church that focused on early church worship. THe lack of fellowship and Calvanism drove us away and we landed at a large Methodist church. After a lot of prayer and more divine prodding, I have entered into the ordination process.

It's great to see others moving along the same path. My pastor now was a general Baptist before he came to the UMC. A lot of church people have flocked to our church simply because he preaches the Word (not yelling or anything; he is a disciple of Jesus and lets that show in the pulpit; and he doesn't tell a bunch of lame anecdotal stories like a lot of UMC preachers. Where did they learn to preach that way? No wonder no one comes to church). It's great to see thinking evangelicals coming back to the UMC and making such an impact.

God Bless!

10:16 AM, August 06, 2007  
Blogger methodist monk said...

Hey aren't we all a little fuzzy? :)

3:18 PM, August 06, 2007  
Blogger Rev. Daniel McLain Hixon said...

I dunno, Stephen. I'm a methodist so I LOVE fuzzy pastors!

Good to hear from you Josh. I hope you'll check back from time to time and only be mad at me occassionally. In any case, God bless you on your journey. If you like Wesley and the Fathers, I whole-heartedly commend the works of Thomas Oden to you (especially Pastoral Theology, Systematic Theology, Rebirth of Orthodoxy, and Agenda for theology). He has influenced me alot and in turn has been influenced by Wesley as well.

Where do they learn to preach that way? I am not sure. I have heard some Methodist pastors who don't. One who was a mentor to me used TONS of stories in his preaching, but people really liked it and that church was growing (not only because of the preaching, of course). So maybe we learn it from each other. My homeletics/preaching class taught us to try to use some illustrations or stories for their emotional freight. Maybe I am a bit more abstract a thinker, so I have to make an effort to include them - though sometimes personal stories come to mind readily.

8:14 AM, August 07, 2007  
Blogger Josh said...

Hi Daniel,

Well, I will be checking in on you but I don't think you will offend me. I am a junior (age 29 with a family) at a Southern Baptist university, heading to a Presbyterian Seminary to be ordained in the United Methodist Church. By now I have learned how to communicate and try to understand others without getting in a tissy.

I plan on reading some of Oden soon. Was he a prof. at SMU? I pray that more and more scholars take his intellectual and spiritual journey.

Here is a recommendation from my library:

A Mirror for the Church: Preaching in the First Five Centuries by David Dunn-Wilson

Dunn-Wilson is a Methodist pastor/missionary who now serves as a professor at Kenya Methodist University.

I have to say that it sure is great to be returning to the church I grew up in.

8:00 PM, August 07, 2007  
Blogger methodist monk said...

I learned homeletics/preaching similar to what you say Daniel. I usually use a personal story in relating the biblical concept. I would say I am probably better at storytelling than preaching in a modern sense of the word. But a lot hinges on what is preaching?

My professor always maintained that preaching at its core needs to focus on the gospel message. What is the good news and announce that good news to the people. So that is usually what I try to do. A lot of times it is sharing how I have struggled in the past with something and relating that to the message. I have a great story for the prodigal son. :)

1:14 PM, August 08, 2007  
Blogger Rev. Daniel McLain Hixon said...

haha, nice Stephen. I personally prefer personal stories from the preacher's own experience to anechdotes that come from sermon helps books or websites or whatever. It just seems more personal and relevent and authentic and all those other buzz words (I should add here the obligatory postmodern "for me") because it really is his own story (or hers), not just a funny something he heard someplace.

3:26 PM, August 11, 2007  
Blogger Gustavo said...

That was awesome.

5:14 PM, August 13, 2007  

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