

Meditation upon the cross of Christ (with Wesley)

The words are translated from the original Latin hymn slightly differently in our United Methodist Hymnal, but sometimes a fresh translation helps you to experience it afresh. Here is the King's College Chapel Choir singing "O Sacred Head Sore Wounded" with the lyrics below.

Whenever meditating upon the cross of Christ, it is helpful to me to remember Wesley's words after his experience of the Holy Spirit at Aldersgate.
"I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death..." - Rev. John Wesley

O sacred head, sore wounded, defiled and put to scorn; O kingly head surrounded with mocking crown of thorn: What sorrow mars thy grandeur? Can death thy bloom deflower? O countenance whose splendor the hosts of heaven adore!

In thy most bitter passion my heart to share doth cry, with thee for my salvation upon the cross to die. Ah, keep my heart thus moved to stand thy cross beneath, to mourn thee, well-beloved, yet thank thee for thy death.

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