Back at the 2004 General Conference, it came to light that some conservative leaders were discussing the possibility of bringing forward a proposal for "amicable separation," splitting the church along liberal-conservative lines so as to finally (presumably) end the bitter arguing over sexual morality within the church and get on with the mission. When the proposal became public, many people (including other conservatives) denounced the idea of schism, and the General Conference passed a resolution stating that we remain
United Methodists.

Fast foward a few years. General Conference 2012 saw a very well funded, very organized, highly vocal and strategic effort by progressives to liberalize the church's position fall short of its goals by even larger margins than in the past, despite comparatively low key efforts of conservative groups. Why? The demographic realities are becoming clear to everyone. The areas of the church in the US that are growing (or simply "not-shrinking") mostly tend to be in the more theologically and socially conservative areas of the Church; the fastest declining parts of the Church tend to be in the more liberal/progressive areas, but everything happening in the US is really small potatoes compared to the massive growth in the conservative overseas regions, in Africa and Asia especially. The representative membership of each future General Conference will reflect these demographic shifts toward the moderately conservative American South and toward the even more conservative Global South.
Because it looks highly unlikely that The United Methodist Church will abandon historic Christian teachings and Biblical interpretations on sexuality anytime in the next century we are now beginning to hear calls from progressive/liberal United Methodists for exploring an 'amicable separation' of the church. Consider
this piece by Rev. Jack Jackson, a young professor at Claremont seminary.
In his article Rev. Jackson asserts that progressives/liberals have essentially 4 options:
1) Continue to live under the current Discipline while hoping for a change that is increasingly unlikely,
2) leave the denomination for a more liberal one,
3) "ecclesiastical disobedience" (he actually uses the somewhat misleading appelation "civil disobedience") or
4) begin a conversation about a denominational split
He notes that, while
both conservative and liberal members have opted for other churches more to their liking (and continue to do so) because of endless fighting, we have in recent months seen a couple of liberal/progressive bishops and Jurisdictions calling for ecclesiastical disobedience (many of us are eager to see if and how the Council of Bishops will address this at its fall meeting, going on now). But Jackson asks a wise question: what is the ultimate goal, what is the "end game" for that strategy? To somehow force progressive/liberal views on an traditionalist majority that does not accept or believe in them (all in the name of 'justice')?
Surely even a few moments of consideration can make clear to everyone that ecclesiastical disobedience (and, indeed, calling the position of the majority of Methodists 'evil') is not likely to help us remain in communion, or even dialogue, with one another. Jackson quite rightly asserts that many traditionalists will not remain in the UMC if it reverses course on sexual issues (especially, we might add, if the decision to do so looked to have been somehow manipulated by a vocal minority). He suggests that if even 10 percent of the active US membership left the denomination over a short period of time in response to a liberal turn on this issue, this would wreak financial havoc upon the structures of the remaining Church to such a degree that shrinking liberal/progressive jurisdictions simply could not have the resources to cope with it. That assumes only 10% would abruptly leave, suppose it was much more?
So Rev. Jackson now advocates option 4: splitting up the church. It seems there are some potential benefits: we might end up with two remnant churches (I'll call them "The Progressive Methodist Church" and "The Methodist Episcopal Church") each better able to clearly articulate their identity, beliefs, and mission than the UMC is now able to do; however I think such a split would further underline the serious ecclesiological deficiencies that seem "built into" Protestantism. It seems we heirs of the Reformation simply cannot "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" as the Lord, through Scripture, commands (whether the Roman or Eastern churches do it better is an open question worth exploring). I don't claim to know what the best way forward is for The United Methodist Church at this moment in our history. Considering our debilitating impasse, it looks to many as if schism is ultimately inevitable, be it a formal schism or simply a drifting away of individuals (the 'personal schism' of option #2). As things are now, the distracting in-fighting continues to drain our energy and scatter our attention and hurt our church.
So I do not claim to know the best way forward, yet still, I know that Jesus prayed (as I do) for unity among
all his followers.
Labels: Christian Unity, Ecclesiology, God and Sexuality, Methodism