Do not wait, I beg you, for another to teach you; you already have the oracles of God [in the Scriptures]. No man can teach you as they do; for indeed a human teacher is often influenced by pride or envy. Hurry, I beg you, all of you that care for true life, and procure those books that will be medicine for your soul. If nothing else, at least get yourself the books of the New Testament: the Apostolic Epistles, the Acts, and the Gospels, take them for your constant teachers. If grief should befall you, dive into them as into a chest of medicine; take from them comfort for your trouble, whether it is loss, or death, or the bereavement of your relatives. Do not merely dive into them, but take them wholly to yourself and keep them always in your mind.This is the cause for all evils: not knowing the Scriptures.-St. John Chrysostom "the golden mouthed" (4th-5th Cent.)
Homily IX on Colossians 3:16-17, NPNF1, vol 13, p.300-301
Today we celebrate the feast of John Chrysostom, and what better way to honor his blessed memory than to go study our Bibles?
Labels: Early Church Fathers, Witness of the Saints
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