
Archbishop of Canterbury responds to GAFCON

Click here for his entire statement posted on the blog "Apostolicity." The very short version: Archbishop Williams also agrees that the 14 theological points in the Final Statement represent historic Anglicanism (and like me, he suspects some Anglicans might want to tweak points of emphasis).

The Archbishop's primary concerns are, not surprisingly, with the practical steps forward offered by GAFCON - the creation of a self-selecting council of Primates (major archbishops or leaders of national churches) and the continuation and expansion of cross-provincial church planting/administration (as with the Anglican Mission in American Churches that are under African bishops).

He says that a major goal of the upcoming Lambeth is to reaffirm the shared Anglican identity and to renew the structures of Communion and common discipline. The fear that Lambeth will not be allowed to address these issues in deep and meaningful (and decisive) ways has in part led to the large number of boycotts from conservative bishops. We'll see what really happens.



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