
100 Years of Pentecostalism!

That's right, this week is the centennial of the Azusa Street Revival where at a small holiness church (remember them, Methodists? whoops!) in Los Angeles, something special happened. Many people experienced the outpouring of the Spirit of God in a new way and a new sort of revival broke out. Now, 100 years later, Pentecostals together represent one of the largest groups of Christians in the world, and by far the fastest growing. I guess it is somehow fitting that I, a United Methodist with Anglo-Catholic leanings, found myself at a house prayer and praise meeting last night with a bunch of Pentecostal Christians. And, of course, it was a wonderful atmosphere for worshiping our common Lord together.

And we all, no matter what our leanings, owe alot to the Pentecostal movement. Certainly we should rejoice that our Pentecostal brethren have led hundreds of millions to know and experience Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Whether we be Roman Catholic, Mainline/liturgical Protestant, or Evangelical Protestants, or whatever, we have all been profoundly influenced by this work of God and its many aftershocks:

There is a renewed intrest in spiritual gifts in many of our churches that brings with it greater involvement and greater sense of purpose among Christian people. There is an increased expectation, even in liturgical services, of really meeting with, and communing with the Spirit of God in our worship. In many of our denominations the Charismatic Movement, has taken hold and become a source of life for many. In my own denomination the Aldersgate Renewal ministries holds annual seminars and conferences on spiritual gifts and life in the Spirit, and serves as an officially sponsered (by the General Board of Discipleship) rallying point for Charismatic United Methodist Christians of all sorts. Movements like these will, in my estimations, be crucial for the re-invigoration of our churches.

So, while I realize "Pentecostalism" is easy for outsiders (and insiders) to criticize since there are so many different folks that go by that name, today is a day to "rejoice with those who rejoice" over a mighty work that God has wroght in our world.

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Character of a Methodist

I know I have been too busy in the last three weeks or so to keep any really good articles coming. But a couple more weeks and I should have a lot more free time! In the meantime, let me commend to you this tract, The Character of a Methodist by the Rev. John Wesley. It is a good thing for Methodists (and other Christians) to read for making a self-evaluation. Enjoy!

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Holy Week Reflections

Check out these reflections for this Holy Week from Christianity Today.



50th-ish Post Spectacular!

Well, after a few days of being too busy writing the credo to post anything; I am back - and this is my spectacular 50th post! So it's time for something light hearted, I think. Here is an "interview" with a woman who just visited a United Methodist Church. While intended as humor; there are actually a number of more serious questions (OK, I guess I have to remain serious after all) that are humorously raised (and not JUST about Methodists). Enjoy!

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Soothing ourselves to Death?

Here is a critique (rant?) of American Evangelicalism from Chuck Colson (though I suppose it could apply to American Christianity across the board). I think he makes some pretty good points, though I don't know about everything he says. This one makes the blog because the first couple of paragraphs are hilarious and I haven't blogged in a while due to credo writing.
